Jo Kern
› Breathing life into figures, creating emotions, moods and possibilities. To touch, to move and to inspire, that's my purpose in life! I love it with every little cell of mine. Being an actress is my heart and my soul. Being allowed to be part of beautiful storys, create personalities and bring them alive is my passion ‹ beautiful that I am allowed to do that!+++!
It sounds quite corny, but in my case it's so real and true, that I have to mention it:
As soon as I could start thinking as a child, I knew I'm going to be an actresse!
My parents (both actors*) didn't really like the idea. So at an age of 12 I secretly went to a casting, which was advertised in a TV-magazine. The only one who was initiated was my grandmother :-) .
It surely came out, when I got the part -out of thousands of children-. I was so happy, that I can't even tell. I was twelve years old and I can say, that these 5 weeks in hambourg, away from school and everything I knew, back then the best experiance was I could have made. My feeling is kind of: That's the time my life really started.
Since the there was even more no alternative at all.
I moved out from home at the age of 15 and soon became so many possibilities to work in my beloved profession. I became the chance to play wonderful parts in great productions and at wonderful locations (including Hawaii, Turkey, Greece and Italy).
Surely I experienced difficult times since then too. Including doubts and insecurity.
In my early twenties (maybe through the warning example of my theater-playing mother, who tried -sometimes with oh and bang - to stay afloat with voice-work and little parts) I created a second mainstay in the area of personal development.
(In these times I do avoid the word 'coach', as for nearly everyone calls himself so, even if they just did some weekend-workshops ;-) ).
This field, in which I also perform over 25 years now, directly refers to 'us human beings' and our storys, too! Our emotions, our experiances. So I was able to dive deeper and deeper in the substance of human beings.
This is what thrives and fascianates me all over:
We humans, our storys and experiances. Our heights and our depths, our joy and our despair.
And in which area one can live all of this more beautifully, inspiring and effective than as an actress in a touching story?
I really do think, that all these fields made me a better actress, every single day. While diving deep in the abysses of human kind and throughout all my personal experiences over the years.
And I do think, that my 'age' suits me, not just on the 'inside' ;-).
I like getting older and I like enjoying it.
I think the movie-business will always need 'real faces' and a physiognomy in which one can recognize 'real life' (and real age) to thruthfully touch and inspire.
That's why I am especially exhited about my focussed restart 2023.
I am looking forward to the cooperation with my new agency (Agentur Matthies) and I am happy to present brandnew acting-portraits - through the lense of Christian Kaufmann.
I look forward to whatever may come!
*Karin Kernke, Pinkas Braun(†)
Some Facts
- Jo Kern is in front of the camera over 30 years now
- Born in Munich, she now lives (after living in Rom, Cologne Berlin, New York and Mallorca) near to her hometown at the lake of Starnberg
- She played various parts in more than 60 Film- TV- Cinema- and Theater-productions. For example ‘Mein Sohn ist kein Mörder’, ’Die unerwünschte Zeugin’, Wo ist Fred’, ‘Das bescheuerte Herz', and many more (-> Vita)
- As a dubbing-artist she is or was the german voice for actresses like Rosario Dawson, Gina Gershon, Lisa Edelstein und Rachel House
- As a voice-actress she recorded more than 40 audiobooks and countless documentarys and audiodramas
- She is also known well in the commercial-world, as she gives her voice to brands like Clarins, Swarovski, Bo Concept and Nestlé
- Jo Kern is the managingdirector in her company Kern Essenz, which has it's focus on personal development and individual personal growth

- Film
- TV
- Theater
- Voice-Acting
- Audiobooks/ Audiodramas
- Dubbing-work/ Computergames
- Voice Over/ Infomercials
- Commercials
Love what you do & do what you love
- If you do what you love, you'll never have to work a single day again